Family taking a selfie together looking happy

Children, Social work leaders

Fostering Families: a relationship-based alternative to separating them

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No Racism sign being held


Wayne Reid: how George Floyd’s murder inspired social work’s anti-racism ‘visionary’

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Book with title employment tribunal on a table.

Social work leaders, Workforce

Council found to have racially discriminated against social worker lodges second appeal

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Woman having coffee and looking at laptop. Female taking a coffee break while working from home.

Adults, Workforce

A day in the life of a social care occupational therapist

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


The support worker brothers going ‘above and beyond’ for families and colleagues

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Person signing legal letter


Deprivation of liberty court application numbers hit record high

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typewriter with a note writing 'Dear Social Worker by Becky Haasch'


‘Dear social worker’: a poem to make practitioners feel seen

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Social worker doing direct work with child
A person putting a vote in a ballot box

Adults, Children, Workforce

Community Care readers’ voting intentions revealed

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Photo: Stephen Anthony Brotherton


‘Mum and Boy’: a social work author’s take on the mother-son relationship

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Mental Health. Stress, tension, relationships and work environment concept. Man's hand, holding magnifying glass

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

BASW chief Ruth Allen on the state of mental health social work

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Smiling colleagues conversing.


‘She helps me bounce back when I’m struggling with the job’

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Photo: North East Lincolnshire Council
Post-it note on a table with the word 'STRIKE' written on it

Children, Workforce

Social workers to strike over election day as Northern Ireland dispute escalates

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'Time to learn' written on notepad on desk with stapler, paperclips and pins


How do you learn in your social work role?

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Grid of nine post-it notes with 'employee retention' written on the central one

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Mental health social workers pose greatest recruitment and retention challenge for adults’ services

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Most social workers would prefer to work part-time, poll finds

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A red line graph going upwards

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Council social care spending up 10% in real terms for second year in a row, data shows

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